Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Monday, December 13, 2004

Today's Note of the Day

One of the best parts of my job is tattling on the goslings. It is really amusing. Here's today's winner:

"Today X spent most of the day doing water works (when he makes shooting or plane noises, his choices are table washing, hand washing or cloth washing). While table washing, he got very silly and began to lap the tablewashing water like a dog. He stopped, but continued to be very silly. While getting ready for lunch, he continued to use his hands as guns, and pretended to shoot his teachers and friends. As a consequence, he ate lunch at a one person table. I told him he can't sit with his friends when he pretends to shoot them. "

Could I make this shit up?!? Truly, in my line of work, truth is stranger than fiction. That's all the writing I did today. We need to begin our "Dear Birthmom" letter, but I don't think that will get me any closer to the great American novel either.


  • At 8:35 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Hi! I got here from Ang's site - I'm kinda of a lurker of hers. I thought I'd comment because I saw that you were getting ready to adopt and write your Dear Birthmom letter. I work for an adoption attorney, and one day want to be one, so I am so excited to see how you guys progress through this process. Who are you going through for your adoption and homestudy?


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