Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Thursday, November 03, 2005

When Writer's Block Hits...

Wax on about Pop Culture. Only in my case, pop culure circa 1990. I was turning 17, a junior/senior in High School. In the drama club. Just getting my driver's license. Going to Prom, working a PT job, thinking about college, attending my FIRST concert at the brand-spanking-new World Music Theater in Chicago. Depeche Mode: violator. I was so cool, in that tortured, I hate my life sort of way, with a pollyanna kind of twist.

So this TV show comes on---it's called Twin Peaks. And it invades my life like nothing ever had before. It was SO cool. And creepy. And kinda dirty. And I could watch it on TV, in my own house, in prime time, in front of my parents. I could also watch it on video tape, in my friend's basement all night long on the weekends if we wished.

Fast Forward 15 years. I'm still watching ER, waiting for it to get so ridiculous that I quit. I'm loving Desperate Housewives, but other than that, not too much TV to get excited about. Not too many shows to quote. Not too many characters to fall in love with/want to be like/get creeped out by or hate. Oh, I'm liking Grey's Anatomy as well. But like I was saying, not too much TV to get squealy over.

So I bust out the Twin Peaks boxed set--sent to Indiana by a friend on the west coast, sent to another friend, then to me..... I hook up the VCR, and start watching while feeding the monkey. And I am back in 1990. I had forgotten how INCREDIBLE that show is. I had forgotten all of the great lines, the characters, the creepiness, the invasiveness of the music. I had forgotten about the Log Lady, all the coffee, all the pie and so forth.

I watched 5 episodes yesterday. I am firing up the VCR right now to get going on the next tape. If I don't watch out, I'll get my hair cut in that cool asymmetrical 'do I once had and start looking for my 1986 Dodge Lancer in the parking lot....

I love trips down memory lane.


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