Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Black Friday takes on a New Meaning

So Thanksgiving was so great we decided to spend the entire next day together. Thursday was great, so wouldn't another day together be even better?!?!

We met assorted siblings and cousins at a Chuck E Cheese type place for the kids to run through the tunnels and the ball pits. The Monkey slept the entire time, the kids were really pleasant, no problem. Mind you, none of them had naps, but they were doing OK. Til we pushed the envelope. And decided to go to dinner.

It didn't really occur to anyone that there would be 11 adults, 4 preschoolers, and 3 in high chairs, and that we hadn't called ahead.

It didn't really occur to anyone that when one of the preschoolers vomitted on her mother (at the table) that the entire family was exposed to some sort of sickness.

It didn't really occur to anyone the reason why the pizza was $15 per person...even though only a few people partook of the beer that we all apparently paid for evenly.

People only started putting together the pieces as we all fled the restaurant, hoping that other patrons wouldn't pelt us with breadsticks as we left.

Our first clue was when the Monkey starting vomitting in the car,and spiked a fever the next day, landing us in a med-check facility on Saturday. Our second clue came when L laid down at 2pm and didn't get back up until 9pm...and went to bed for the night at 11pm.

Other families had similiar issues....atleast one person in each household got "something".

We're thinking about skipping Christmas and possibly reconvening for the Fourth of July.


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