Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Do Women Still Do This?!?!

I was watching TV yesterday and saw a new commercial-a commercial for a product called RePHresh (you know, Phresh, like Phat). Anyway, it's a feminine wipe that claims to not only give you that Phresh feeling, but restore the PH balance in the nether regions as well.

I found it strange that a product can claim to do this, because it would stand to reason that a) a lot people don't know what Ph balance means, b) that a product can balance any Ph, give that you could be a little on on the base side or the acidic side and c) that women would be willing to put anything base or acidic near the said nether region.

My mouth actually dropped open by the end of the pitch--with women saying the following..."I use rePHresh after my period" "I use rePHresh after intercourse" and the part that floored me, "I use rePHresh after DOUCHING".

Here's my question---do women still DOUCHE?!??! Does anyone born after 1980 even know what douching is? Has anyone born after 1965 tried it? Didn't that go the way of rotary phones and battery operated calculators?? I mean, seriously, is that still something that is sold and recommended to women?

I remember hearing commericals for that "not-so-fresh-feeling", but at the same time learning in the "what every girl needs to know" phamphelet that douching is not a good idea.

Which then led to my next question--is "douche bag" still a respectable put-down? Does it have any impact on people born after 1980?


  • At 11:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    I totally saw that commerical, too! As far as I know, none of my friends douche, they actually tell you not to, but douche bag is still a very,VERY respectable put down.

  • At 2:32 PM , Blogger Fraulein N said...

    Yeah, I think the only ones still douching are ladies of a certain age. I mean, somebody's got to be using them if they're still in the stores, yeah?

  • At 8:44 AM , Blogger Ang said...

    1. Douching is BAD

    2. Toners actually balance your ph. You can spray toner on your cootchie after your period, intercourse, or douching. :/

    3. Isn't the POINT of douching to rePHresh?


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