Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Like Trying to Stop a Train

As with most things in my life, this doesn't fall under catostrophic--not yet anyway. But it's a huge annoyance, and could end up costing us $$ that we really can't spare, and shouldn't have to spend. But why should that surprise me?!?!

Motherhood, however, has apparently mellowed me out some. I didn't tell off the phone rep like I did the Travelocity guy this Spring. Atleast not this time around.

L works for a big telecommunications company. They are self-insured,and offer AWESOME insurance. Except for when you switch positions, a few balls get dropped and then suddenly you don't have coverage. Except that you do---but according to the computer you don't.

So during this two month hiatus from health coverage, the Babe has a few doctors visits and a chest x-ray. L has a few visits and tests. I reorder my mail order drugs. Our providers submit to the insurance, the insurance denies them. We call the doctors and tell them to resubmit, there's been a mistake, we call the insurance to tell them there's been a mistake, we think the problem's fixed.

Only partially. L's coverd. I get my drugs. The Babe however, is still not acknowledged. Three phone calls later, we think it's fixed. Then we get another bill today. It's not fixed. It's funny though--all of our providers are being very understanding. So far, they are just thanking us for letting them know. I'm sure they've heard this song before. That's why they have jobs--to deal with the headaches of payment. And we wonder why healthcare costs so much!! It's because not only are we paying the doctor--we are paying for the billing department as well.

Really, it's the principle of the thing that irks me. He was there, working. We were charged the premiums. We've alerted them to the problem. They've told us the problem was fixed. Then I called today and it wasn't.

So we continue to call, and hope that our providers continue to be understanding. Because if we pay this out of pocket and expect reimbursement....ha! Come on now, who are we kidding?!?!


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