Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Retro is so....


One of the cool things about my job is that I get to see what all the kids are doing. And mostly they are listening to their iPods (Walkman? what's that?), IM'ing each other and reading each other's blogs.

But now they are also reading the Narina books! I suppose that kids who like to read (the ones I'm in contact w/generally don't) have always read these classics. But thanks to the new movie, now some former non-pleasure readers are reading them. The best? When a 7th grade somewhat-pain-in-the-rear came in bearing the whole box set to show us he'd just ordered it from the book club at school. That just warmed my heart.

Almost as exciting, my neice is totally into Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake. Me thinks it's not the timeless appeal, as much as the appeal to her generation X parents, but it's still a fun trip down memory lane and better than baby Bratz.

I'm hoping it will be followed by an obsession with Little House on the Prairie. If so, I can bust out my metal Michael Landon lunchbox for her.

At her b-day party last weekend, I got to hear one of her uncles talk about Nirvana--to her 13 yr old cousin. The cousin was all about listening to "Smells Like Teen Spirit" on MP3, but needed a tutorial. He was very disappointed to learn that the band was no longer together, and more so that Kurt Cobain killed himself.

Maybe in a few years my broad knowledge of late 80's/ early 90's pop culture WILL be put to good use, and I can wow my daughter with my intimate knowledge of John Hughe's movies and the like.


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