Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Can of Wal-Mart Worms

I have just enough knowledge about some things to attempt to carry on an intelligent conversation. The world of Wal-Mart is one of those things. I have a smattering of info, some telling me to shop there guilt-free because it's capitalism at it's best. Some telling me to stay away, support the little guy, low prices aren't everything.

What I Know to be True and What I Have Read:
Some of the big news lately in Indiana is that Wal-Mart is the state's biggest employer. I've read articles about how Wal-Mart treats its workers like dirt, how their drive for low prices crushes competition, how smaller enterprises can't compete. That some of their groceries are sub-standard, like sub-par slamon that's causing the ocean to rot.

I've read articles saying that Wal-Mart offers flexible part-time schedules that lots of employess like. I know they give some back to their community--probably not enough considering the amount of money they bring in, but some. And now they've signed on as a national sponser for Relay for Life, a cause near and dear to my heart. So do I support them because they support a cause I am passionate about?

In a forum on adoption.com recently, someone asked if anyone had tried Wal-Mart formula and if they were pleased with it. Many people responded that their brand was just fine, and other people chimed in with other generics, and the fact that most generics are made by 1 particalur company and that they are all safe. But a few people politely chimed in & in not so many words said that they were boycotting Wal-Mart for different reasons.

Personally, I'm a bit torn on the issue. Bottom line is, usually, I go where things are cheapest, because we are on a BUDGET (note the capital letters here). Therefore, I'm dedicated to getting the most bang for my limited buck. That often leads me to Wal-Mart or Meijer or other Big Box stores for low-priced bargains. I think a lot of people are in the same boat--trying to get the most for your dollar.

Here's where it gets cyclical though--I buy things at Wal-Mart, supporting their empire. The empire grows, they continue to expand, continue to offer cheap things becuase people like me are buying it. Isn't that the point of business? GM wants you to buy cars for the same reason. So why is it accpetable to buy from some companies and not from others?

As far as jobs go, some argue that people employed by Wal-Mart may not have the skills to get a better job anywhere else. That they'd be stocking shelves or cashiering and so forth somewhere, may as well be Wal-Mart. Other people say that because Wal-Mart gives their workers so little, it forces other area stores to give their workers less to stay competitive. Because Wal-Mart prices are so low, suppliers are forced to pay their people less. And when people make less money, their budgets get tighter and where do they go to stretch their dollars? Wal-Mart, of course.

I'm am really curious about this whole Wal-Mart economics things, so I am asking for comments and view points and links to sources where I can find out more.


  • At 12:01 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Target is the answer to everything. I hate Wal-Mart for reasons that do not relate to its global domination, but in Hanover, it's all we've got. And I hate that, down to the very core of my heart. Target, darling, it is all about Target.


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