Oh the Humor
One nice thing about being back at work is the front row seat I have to preschool humor. It's not that different from adolescent humor, or college humor, or even workplace humor. Mostly, it revolves around bodily functions.
I am constantly amazed that even my daughter, at 7 months, finds gas and burping funny. Of course she's always smiled at passing gas herself--people think it's because she's feeling relief. I'm beginning to think that it's because she thinks it's funny. She laughs now when I pass gas. How does she know that it's funny?? But I digress.
I have several rough and tumble boys this year, and they are all "learning" how to burp on command. And of course, they think they've got the get out of jail free card--they just say "excuse me" through the giggles and all is OK, right?
On the more demure side I have several girls who are writing about passing gas. They are using our moveable alphabets (little wooden letters they use to write words and stories) and writing some version of the following, phonetically of course:
I luv mi famlee. Mi dad pass gas. Mi mom drivs a van. Mi babee cris.
Basically, as they write about each member of the family, or even about a specific family outing, Daddy always passes gas in the story. They think it is HILARIOUS.
Who am I to tell them differently?!?!
I am constantly amazed that even my daughter, at 7 months, finds gas and burping funny. Of course she's always smiled at passing gas herself--people think it's because she's feeling relief. I'm beginning to think that it's because she thinks it's funny. She laughs now when I pass gas. How does she know that it's funny?? But I digress.
I have several rough and tumble boys this year, and they are all "learning" how to burp on command. And of course, they think they've got the get out of jail free card--they just say "excuse me" through the giggles and all is OK, right?
On the more demure side I have several girls who are writing about passing gas. They are using our moveable alphabets (little wooden letters they use to write words and stories) and writing some version of the following, phonetically of course:
I luv mi famlee. Mi dad pass gas. Mi mom drivs a van. Mi babee cris.
Basically, as they write about each member of the family, or even about a specific family outing, Daddy always passes gas in the story. They think it is HILARIOUS.
Who am I to tell them differently?!?!
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