Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Friday, April 28, 2006

Bad Blogger

Not really...but when I started this whole thing, I had this blog and my "adoption blog" and it was easy to keep them seperate. One blog was about life as I knew it, the other about life as I hoped it would be. Then the Babe came into it, adoption became real, and suddenly that WAS my life. IS my life. Not really the whole adoption thing every day, but being a mom. Waxing on and on about my child and so forth. So then what's left to blog about on this blog--the blog where I'm supposed to be me? I'm not sure. But I thought I'd post my to-do list today, and maybe that would give insight as to why I'm having trouble.

To take to work:

Lunch for me

Applesauce cups and baby veggies



Crib Sheet

Fax for Agency fundraiser

Dinner for the B's (friends who just had a baby)

After work:

Call Judy

Return DVD's

Call the H's for cookout

Find sunhats for the babe

I've read that most adult women don't, in fact, have ADD. They are just victims of multi-tasking. I understand.

What's on *YOUR* to do list??


  • At 9:12 AM , Blogger Ang said...

    You should just merge the two...because once you are a mom, that whole "you" thing takes a backseat. Or at least rides shotgun to the babe.

  • At 5:41 PM , Blogger BabyonBored said...

    And it only gets worse from there. My to do list is a mile long.


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