Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Friday, April 28, 2006

Bad Blogger

Not really...but when I started this whole thing, I had this blog and my "adoption blog" and it was easy to keep them seperate. One blog was about life as I knew it, the other about life as I hoped it would be. Then the Babe came into it, adoption became real, and suddenly that WAS my life. IS my life. Not really the whole adoption thing every day, but being a mom. Waxing on and on about my child and so forth. So then what's left to blog about on this blog--the blog where I'm supposed to be me? I'm not sure. But I thought I'd post my to-do list today, and maybe that would give insight as to why I'm having trouble.

To take to work:

Lunch for me

Applesauce cups and baby veggies



Crib Sheet

Fax for Agency fundraiser

Dinner for the B's (friends who just had a baby)

After work:

Call Judy

Return DVD's

Call the H's for cookout

Find sunhats for the babe

I've read that most adult women don't, in fact, have ADD. They are just victims of multi-tasking. I understand.

What's on *YOUR* to do list??

Monday, April 10, 2006

Just Tell Them What They Want to Know

Today's conversation brought to mind theory of "Just answer they question they ask" rather then going into details they (children) don't care about. Little bits of information is all most children need at one time.

Today two children were feeling adventurous and took out the Africa puzzle map, which is a tricky map to do if you are not familiar with it. These two were not, so in a few minutes they were asking for help. Before my leave of absence I was pretty good at it, but my geography-free 7 month break has taken it's toll. So another child offerred to help and I took her up on it.

"Thanks for helping us, A--it's been awhile since I've done this map."

"You used to do this all the time, but then you had a baby, right?" she asks.

"Yup. You're right."

"But she didn't grow in your tummy."

"Right. We adopted M after she was born."

"What's that mean?" asked another child.

"It means that she grew in someone elses tummy, and when she was born, Mr. M and I adopted her and became her mom and dad."

"Oh. Ok. I think this piece goes over here....."

And so it goes.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Instead of Writing a Real Post

For the most recent happenings, check out my life as a mom. I think we've totally recovered, but I'm still feeling lazy, and damn it, it's Spring Break. So here's where I'm supposed to be:

You Belong in London

You belong in London, but you belong in many cities... Hong Kong, San Francisco, Sidney. You fit in almost anywhere.
And London is diverse and international enough to satisfy many of your tastes. From curry to Shakespeare, London (almost) has it all!