Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Friday, December 24, 2004

Oh how we've grown....

Braved the biggest snowstorm in years to make lunch with said friends. It was worth the drive through 2 ft of snow, it really was. How have we grown?? I've decided that if you can consult a member of your peer group about most or all of the following, you must be a grown up (hopefully, no one has experiences in all this at 30, let's spread the maturity around):

1.Death of a parent
2.Death of a sibling
5.Infertility/options therein

The great thing is though, while we have all grown, there is still something to be said for hanging out at the old hangout, and laughing about our lives in the '90s. Thank God the internet can keep us all connected! Truly, what did we do before that?? While hanging at said hang out, we were looking at the small town in which we were raised. Yes, in college we would rag on Our Fair City, because let's face it, unless you are from some booming metropolis, you think your hometown sucks. Or atleast we did. Well, during our snow-filled weekend, we discovered that as adults, Our Fair City still has many short comings.

Several oddities occurred to us:
--cell phone reception SUCKS WIND
--there is no place to go for a coffee drink of any sort past the BUNN coffee maker
--there is no Target
--there are no wireless internet hotspots
And we asked ourselves, in all seriousness, "How do people LIVE here?" !!! We then each returned to our "new hometowns", which we discovered each of us has been for 6-7 years. Another sure sign that yes, in fact, we have all grown.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Feeling a bit more human....

Am now the proud owner of a new purse, wallet, license and so forth. Feels weird operating on cash or checks only (no online shopping for a few days), but I will survive. Freaky happening-I got the exact same wallet at Kohl's, just a different color. And it was on clearance.

Talked to friends tonight I'll be heading north to see tomorrow. Haven't seen them in 3.5 years. Wonder how we've all grown.....

To the bastard whole stole my purse:

Thanks for leaving the library books. I hope you catch my cold from all the old tissues you had to touch to get to my wallet!!! Hope you enjoyed your shopping spree, and that you atleast shared some of your stolen wealth by getting gifts for loved ones. You'll need to change the Palm batteries soon, and I think extra cords are available on e-bay. The checks have been voided, but if you buy one more smoothie at the mall, you can fill up my frequent customer card and get the free one I've been working toward. And no, it wasn't cold driving home with no passenger side window. Thanks for leaving the cell phone charger, mich

Honest to pete--you could have knocked me over with a feather yesterday afternoon, when in broad day light I discovered that my purse was lifted from my locked car in the gym parking lot. I went to pop my bag in the back seat and saw "sparkles" on the seat, and my first thought was, "Why is there road salt on my seat?" I returned to the gym where the staff was very helpful in getting me phone numbers and internet access to cancel my life. They even vacuumed up the glass. After waiting for close to 3 hours, the sheriff's deputy finally arrived to take down the information. He told me that the gym parking lot is notorious for break ins! You'd think they'd alert the members with a sign or something......but no, instead they have signs posted that they are not responsible for articles lifted in the locker rooms. No wonder they were a finally oiled machine when it came to calling the cops and cleaning up the mess. I should have known something was up!

I think we all need to revisit the mantra I preach to the goslings: "Don't touch shit that doesn't belong to you!!"

That was day one of Christmas vacation. Surely it will improve, right?

Monday, December 13, 2004

Today's Note of the Day

One of the best parts of my job is tattling on the goslings. It is really amusing. Here's today's winner:

"Today X spent most of the day doing water works (when he makes shooting or plane noises, his choices are table washing, hand washing or cloth washing). While table washing, he got very silly and began to lap the tablewashing water like a dog. He stopped, but continued to be very silly. While getting ready for lunch, he continued to use his hands as guns, and pretended to shoot his teachers and friends. As a consequence, he ate lunch at a one person table. I told him he can't sit with his friends when he pretends to shoot them. "

Could I make this shit up?!? Truly, in my line of work, truth is stranger than fiction. That's all the writing I did today. We need to begin our "Dear Birthmom" letter, but I don't think that will get me any closer to the great American novel either.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

What else is there to do on a Saturday night??

Welcome to my blog. I can't imagine who you are, reading this, but I'm intrigued by the trend and have to join in. Hoping it will get the writing juices flowing again. I mentioned something to a long time friend about wanting to write again, and she said, "yeah, J and I were talking about you, and we so wondered why you never did anything with that..it's such a gift..."

That's what I needed to hear--that the last 10 years of my life have been wasted teaching small children to read, I should have been writing the great American novel. No, instead, I'm really good at writing, Dear Mrs. Smith, Johnny hit a friend today and had to be put in time out.....
Though I do write those in STLYE. Hmmm...now that would be a blog for you.

Anyway, I can't wait to see how this develops.....