Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Friday, October 21, 2005

A Fun Game to Play!

Hey kids--to help prevent stupid-ass Spam comments, I've added word verification to the comment process. One rotten piece of Spam ruins the fun for all. Ironic, since I don't think that real Spam rots or invades lives like the e-version. I wonder how Hormel feels about all this!

An Exercise in Futility

The only thing worse than moving into storage is moving out of storage....and putting all your crap back from whence it came. Yes, we have moved out of storage, we have not sold our house, and we are back to square one, only short the two months storage fees we paid, and two afternoons of moving we'll never get back.

In case anyone missed it, the Indpls real estate bubble has popped. We missed it. We haven't had a showing since the Monkey came home. We've had 2 open houses, but no bites. So we've been advised to take it off the market for the winter months.

This is actually a blessing in diguise--because now we aren't so sure we should be quick to jump into a bigger house with a bigger mortgage. So we may be moving back into our current space, really doing up the Monkey's room and staying long enough to benifit from a refinance.

Other happenings of humor:

GARAGE SALE PART DUEX: Had another garage sale since our stuff in storage procreated while we weren't looking. This one was a bit more successful--I made about $40 there and $35 at 1/2 price books. Obviously, I had better stuff to get rid of this time than back in June.....

L's "Girlfriend" and such: Still on a kooky health kick. The man has lost FIFTEEN LBs in 3 weeks. Here is his diet:

Breakfast: One measured cup of cheerios, banana and milk in the AM, with a mug of hot green tea

Lunch: One whole can of Chunky/Progresso/Store Brand soup, any size, any flavor; 2 granola bars, 2 apples, maybe a few crackers or cookies; more hot green tea

Dinner: Whatever I make (generally fairly healthy), in whatever portion he feels the need to eat; ice cream or ice cream sandwhich for dessert.

I DON'T GET IT!! It's so not fair! But he's fitting back into another wardrobe of clothes, so I'm not complaining, just a twee bit jealous.

THE SPAMMERS: Don't know why they are picking on me, but it's rude and I wish they'd go away.

The Monkey beckons, so I must go.....

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Do you have a girlfriend?

This is what i asked my husband yesterday. He's been giving off subtle clues....

He's suddenly drinking Green Tea 24/7. Taking vitamins. Jumping back on the Weight Watchers bandwagon.

This from the man who can drink a six pack of beer or pepsi and appear completely unaffected by alcohol or caffiene. Who doesn't normally eat breakfast. Who eats fast food for lunch. You see my concern.

Then I get the call from the Dr.s office confirming his physical on Monday,and it all becomes clear. Our doctor is good, and he always gives us homework on improving our health. So this is the crash course before the "tests"....the blood tests to test the Gout he's been afflicted with (diet related), the Low good cholesterol they've been watching, etc., etc.

Oh, and the big 3-5 is approaching. Perhaps he who tells people for fun that he's 25 is finally realizing that a little effort can help preserve his youthfulness.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

New month, new post

Oh if only all goals were so obtainable. I feel a bit like I am emerging from a coma--able to get up and get ready for the day, tired of wearing my PJ's til 11am, ready to think about things other than spit up. It's a good feeling. I guess that's what having a 2month old will do for ya.

I've got a potential PT nanny gig w two wee ones, two days a week. It's all perfect, except for the three story house (read: stairs, two infants and a toddler) and the fact that I've only got two hands. I'm on the fence, I really am. Part of me says that we'll all adapt and figure it out, the other part of me thinks I'm crazy!

I wish I could be a professional volunteer. I think that's an oxymoron. More like a professional do-gooder. Helping organizations that need it, in a freelance sort of way. And making a living at it.

Until then, I'll continue to work on that being a mom/working /budget balance and stick to free hobbies like walking and blogging. And trying to teach Baby Kahuna to go to sleep on her own, without me rocking or feeding her to sleep. That should keep me busy for awhile.