Waiting for Inspiration to Strike

Sunday, February 26, 2006

100 Things about Me

1. My intials are MMM. 3M, like the tape.
2. I met L on New Year's Eve.
3. We kissed at midnight and have been together ever since.
4. I belong to a cooking club.
5. The club formed via an online bulletin board.
6. We are now the best of friends.
7. I love strawberries.
8. And shrimp.
9. And pineapple.
10. And desserts in general.
11. I had a Pampered Chef bridal shower.
12. Therefore, I have lots of fun gadgets for the kitchen.
13. I think I've finally memorized the numbers on the keyboard.
14. I HATED typing class in high school.
15. Of course, it's the knowledge from that bloody class that I can say I've used almost every day of my life since.
16. Except for the 3 summers I was a resident camp counselor. There wan't electricity there.
17. I graduated from Marian College
18. I met L when I lived in Illinois.
19. I lived there for 3 years.
20. I'm the oldest of 3.
21. My brother Brian is very cool.
22. My brother Jon is in need of direction.
23. I have 8 neices and nephews so far.
24. I love being an aunt.
25. I love being a mom.
26. I love my birthstone, which is sapphire.
27. I'm not all that crazy about the Babe's birthstone, which is peridot.
28. I love all things Litttle House on the Prairie.
29. I started 1st grade with a metal LHP lunchbox, featuring Michael Landon.
30. I used it until the 4th grade, when I upgraded to Strawberry Shortcake.
31. I am a certified Montessori teacher.
32. I am a certified Sylvan Learning Center Instructor.
33. I am licensed to teach K-3 in Indiana.
34. I love this catalog and the parenting articles throughout it.
35. I volunteer for Relay for Life of Lawrence, an American Cancer Society fundraiser.
36. I've been on the Relay committee for 5 years.
37. I volunteer for the Babe's adoption agency as well.
38. I'm addicted to this.
39. I lurk on lots of blogs.
40. Adoption.com hosts my favorite forums.
41. I'm a TurboTax geek.
42. I'm a Microsoft Money addict.
43. I love coffee and tea, and most warm beverages in general.
44. I love my Saturn, especially the seat warmers.
45. Until the Babe came along, I was an exercise fanatic.
46. Now I try to fit in a Tae-Bo tape or walk around the block when I can.
47. I've walked the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon twice.
48. I've meant to sign up the last 2 year but it keeps selling out earilier and earilier.
49. I love to read.
50. L and I were in a couples book club once.
51. I was a huge letter writer/ pen pal back in the day.
52. I went over my minutes on my cell phone the month the Babe was born.
53. I vowed never to do that again--what a pricey mistake!
54. I love getting cashback on our credit card.
55. I love shopping with my Kohl's card and then buying community care cards to pay the balance so my church gets 5% of the profits.
56. I clip coupons, alot.
57. Nothing is better than getting something for free because it's on sale and I've got a coupon that can be doubled.
58. I'm serious about #57.
59. I'm 5'10".
60. That means I have to shop in the Talls section most of the time.
61. The babe is taller than I was at her age.
62. I know we don't share DNA, but I wonder how tall she will be!
63. I have size 10 feet.
64. I can share shoes with my mom, which is funny because she's only 5'3".
65. Most of my friends from college have size 10 feet, so I could share shoes with them too.
66. I love my friends from college.
67. I didn't think I'd like the show "My Name is Earl", but I do.
68. Last spring I really disliked "the Office" but now really enjoy it.
69. I also am a die hard Amazing Race and the Apprentice fan.
70. I wish we had TiVo some days.
71. I've never paid for cable TV.
72. I've 2 places where it was free.
73. My current address isn't one of them.
74. I love highspeed internet.
75. I've recently ditched voicemail and gone back to a machine.
76. I get less than 1 message day, so it's not really a big deal.
77. I go to the library at least once a week.
78. I love requesting books online.
79. I recycle.
80. We don't have curbside pick up, so I actually take to the bins at the park.
81. I can't wait to take the Babe to the park to swing!
82. I can't wait to take the Babe to our neighborhood swimming pool!
83. I want to sign the Babe up for Kindermusik soon.
84. I'm trying to teach the Babe sign language.
85. I can't believe I've made it to number 85.
86. My email address is petfree1 because I used to live with a vet.
87. And she had 3 dogs, 12 cats, fish, turtles, a lame hedghog, among other things.
88. I once found the iguana in the shower.
89. I once found the dove smeared all over the kitchen thanks to the cat.
90. Shortly there after, I got my own place.
91. I've lived in this house for 4 years!
92. I've been married for almost 5!
93. I currently work 10 hours a week outside the home.
94. I blog alot in my head.
95. Tonight I put the Babe down with a bottle (gasp!)
96. I am all about Sam's club diapers and formula.
97. I love reading about adoption and people's thoughts on different aspects of the triad. 98. I think the Babe is one of the best babies ever. (duh)
99. I'm sometimes amazed that L tolerates me so well.
100. I'm touched if you'd read all the way down this crazy list.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

You might be a Blogging Addict if....

You now refer to friends as "readers".

You check comments more compulsively than email.

You are SURE there must be lurkers on your Blog, even if no one comments, surely someone's reading. To verify this, you sign up somewhere like sitemeter to track your suspicions.

The running commentary in your head is considered material for Blog posts. Sometimes the commentary in your head even contains weblinks and photos.

You used to surf the web, now you just surf blogs. Your favorites are bookmarked and checked daily.

After reading all the blogs you "need" to read each day at the computer, your eyes burn for, like, an hour afterward.

Am I missing any other tell tale signs?!? (and I'm not poking fun at anyone here but myself)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

New Levels of Boredom and Non-Activity

I could pretend that I care about the Olympics or the Daytona 500 or whatever.....but I don't. Know what's got me revved up today? MY NEW MOP. Yup, it's true. Sad, pathetic and oh-so-every-day-housewife, but true.

Let me tell you why.....It's got a removable mop head that you can put in the washing machine. Yes, that's right folks, IN THE WASHING MACHINE. This means that last week's dirt won't make it onto next week's floor. It's revolutionary, I tell ya.

I think it could possibly be the best $10 I've ever spent on household products. Happy Mop Day to Me!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Retro is so....


One of the cool things about my job is that I get to see what all the kids are doing. And mostly they are listening to their iPods (Walkman? what's that?), IM'ing each other and reading each other's blogs.

But now they are also reading the Narina books! I suppose that kids who like to read (the ones I'm in contact w/generally don't) have always read these classics. But thanks to the new movie, now some former non-pleasure readers are reading them. The best? When a 7th grade somewhat-pain-in-the-rear came in bearing the whole box set to show us he'd just ordered it from the book club at school. That just warmed my heart.

Almost as exciting, my neice is totally into Care Bears and Strawberry Shortcake. Me thinks it's not the timeless appeal, as much as the appeal to her generation X parents, but it's still a fun trip down memory lane and better than baby Bratz.

I'm hoping it will be followed by an obsession with Little House on the Prairie. If so, I can bust out my metal Michael Landon lunchbox for her.

At her b-day party last weekend, I got to hear one of her uncles talk about Nirvana--to her 13 yr old cousin. The cousin was all about listening to "Smells Like Teen Spirit" on MP3, but needed a tutorial. He was very disappointed to learn that the band was no longer together, and more so that Kurt Cobain killed himself.

Maybe in a few years my broad knowledge of late 80's/ early 90's pop culture WILL be put to good use, and I can wow my daughter with my intimate knowledge of John Hughe's movies and the like.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Do Women Still Do This?!?!

I was watching TV yesterday and saw a new commercial-a commercial for a product called RePHresh (you know, Phresh, like Phat). Anyway, it's a feminine wipe that claims to not only give you that Phresh feeling, but restore the PH balance in the nether regions as well.

I found it strange that a product can claim to do this, because it would stand to reason that a) a lot people don't know what Ph balance means, b) that a product can balance any Ph, give that you could be a little on on the base side or the acidic side and c) that women would be willing to put anything base or acidic near the said nether region.

My mouth actually dropped open by the end of the pitch--with women saying the following..."I use rePHresh after my period" "I use rePHresh after intercourse" and the part that floored me, "I use rePHresh after DOUCHING".

Here's my question---do women still DOUCHE?!??! Does anyone born after 1980 even know what douching is? Has anyone born after 1965 tried it? Didn't that go the way of rotary phones and battery operated calculators?? I mean, seriously, is that still something that is sold and recommended to women?

I remember hearing commericals for that "not-so-fresh-feeling", but at the same time learning in the "what every girl needs to know" phamphelet that douching is not a good idea.

Which then led to my next question--is "douche bag" still a respectable put-down? Does it have any impact on people born after 1980?